Type in Nepali - Unicode Nepali Converter

A lot of people want to type in Nepali on their Facebook Wall and chat. It is really difficult if you have no idea how to type in Nepali without knowledge of Nepali typing using Nepali Font. So now a days Unicode Nepali converter is one of the best thing ever online that helps any one to type in Nepali easily without deep knowledge of Nepali font typing. Yes you don't need to know the Nepali typing skill that you can achieve using some software like Typeshala. As this typed unicode Nepali text can be used for normal purpose but i don't think it can be used for professional use because there are some typical Nepali words that may not get converted right now. But they can be fixed in upcoming days. So without any more chit chat why don't you try to type in Nepali using this easy online Unicode Converter that is powered by Google.